User-Involved Universal Design Experience in the Space, Product and Service Development Process




Universal design, disability concept, disability types, universal design principles, user-focused design


Designs aimed at the involvement of disabled people in social life are thought to bring the disabled users into a situation isolating them from the society. This study aims to emphasize that with the use of universal design principles, rather than making different designs for each user group, the space, products and services available to everyone can be revealed. This study was carried out with the view that space, products and services designed by universal design principles can be used by the disabled and that the disabled are an integral part of the society. The study was conducted with three study groups, which were formed by the active involvement of disabled individuals. Working groups focused on designs that can serve all users with reference to the experiences, expectations and needs of individuals with disabilities. At the end of the study, groups designed spaces, products and services that meet the needs of disabled people with universal design principles and provide routine participation in social life.


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Author Biographies

Mehmet Lutfi Hidayetoglu, Selcuk University

He is Associate Professor of Industrial Design at Selcuk University in Turkey. He was assigned to Interior Architecture and Environmental Design Department, Faculty of Arts in Selcuk University as a Research Associate in 2005. He participated in many exhibitions with his designs and published numerous academic papers about interior architecture, sustainability, smart environment, spatial perception, environmental psychology, colour, light, traditional civil architecture and furniture designs.

Kubra Mensure Muezzinoglu, Selcuk University

She is an interior architecture and environmental designer and works at as a Dr. Inst. in Selcuk University faculty of Fine Arts. She got her B.Sc in 2007 in Selcuk University on interior architecture and enviromental design, Msc in 2010 in Selcuk University and PhD in 2018 in Selcuk University on architecture. Her main research topic has been the analysis of interior space and user satisfaction in connection with the visual perception of space.


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How to Cite

Hidayetoglu, M. L., & Muezzinoglu, K. M. (2018). User-Involved Universal Design Experience in the Space, Product and Service Development Process. ICONARP International Journal of Architecture and Planning, 6, 41–62.